WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Outcomes from ESD forum 2 September 2005, Kingussie Renewables - Cairngorm Mountain could be used as a demo site - Need to look at energy holistically – target supply and demand - Information required on how bills could be reduced - Public transport fuel options need to be explored - Affordable housing needs easy access to renewables - Community investment in renewables required - Presumption against fossil fuels use - Waste to energy – concerns over emissions - Solar power good for remote rural areas - Who to take a lead? - How to get support? – role for CNPA to signpost? - Funders and planners are key - Professional knowledge needs to be passed on - Support production of renewable energy product – sawmills as a source? - Raise awareness - Grant availability needs to be known - Renewables need to be set in the wider policy context Waste - Existing initiatives need to be co-ordinated better - Communities need to earn cash from waste mgt - Producers of waste need to be linked to recyclers - Link community organisations to commercial businesses - Info needed for visitors to take part in recycling – include in visitor information - One waste plan for CNP? - Facilitate better business collection system - Demo businesses and projects to raise awareness and use - Use CNP brand to increase use of GTBS and encourage waste minimisation - Co-ordinate with LL&TNPA